Friday, October 25, 2024

How to be eco?

A group of students taking part in the Erasmus+ project Take Action For the Earth received an invitation from the Town Hall in Nowy Targ to participate in the Nowotarski Ecological Picnic. The aim of this event was to encourage the citizens to make use of the natural environment in a conscious way and to take care actively of the natural resources of our planet. The presentation prepared by our students deepened the knowledge of the participants about sustainable development and actions taken for the climate. The students called for ceasing the devastation of the natural environment and pointed out those actions which are harmful to it. They presented specific examples how to reduce water and energy consumption, how to segregate rubbish and how to limit the emission of harmful substances in the atmosphere.

The picnic was also a great occasion to sum up year-round activities within the project such as meetings with specialists, school workshops, an international meeting of students in France as well as the action „Operation – clean river”

 The presentation was accompanied with a lot of positive emotions and great fun connected with education. The main attraction was meeting with the weather presenter Jarosław Kret who came to Nowy Targ to give a lecture about ecological issues.

During the picnic there was also a promotional campaign of our school.

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