Wednesday, March 12, 2025



Preparations to the trip to Greece

From the 20th till 22nd September, 2023, there was a teachers’ meeting in Patra, Greece, in which teachers from Greece, France and Poland, the organisers of youth trip within Erasmus+ Project “Take Action for The Earth” took part. Our school was represented by Mr Grzegorz Słowik. During the meeting, the agenda of students’ stay was discussed, especially the details concerning transport, accommodation as well as the attractions for the participants. The hosts of the meeting prepared two presentations. The aim of the first one was to bring closer the history and achievements of the school as well as the cooperation with the local university. The second one presented Greek educational system on every level. The teachers had also an opportunity to attend a few classes such as mathematics, English, French and Information Technology.

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Cleaning up the world brings people together

On the 14th of September, 2023, students taking part in the Erasmus+ project „Take action for the Earth” had a meeting with Mr Krzysztof Przybyła, the worker of the forest district of Nowy Targ. The forester in a clear and interesting way explained how important the peatbogs, located in the reserve „Bór na Czerwonem”, are for the environment. The students got to know how and why the reserve was created and why they were surrounded by trenches. Mr Przybyła informed the participants that the reserve in Nowy Targ was included in the list of Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, equivalent of UNESCO. Bór na Czerwonem is one of the 19 which were selected from Poland.

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How to be eco?

A group of students taking part in the Erasmus+ project Take Action For the Earth received an invitation from the Town Hall in Nowy Targ to participate in the Nowotarski Ecological Picnic. The aim of this event was to encourage the citizens to make use of the natural environment in a conscious way and to take care actively of the natural resources of our planet. The presentation prepared by our students deepened the knowledge of the participants about sustainable development and actions taken for the climate. The students called for ceasing the devastation of the natural environment and pointed out those actions which are harmful to it. They presented specific examples how to reduce water and energy consumption, how to segregate rubbish and how to limit the emission of harmful substances in the atmosphere.

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Clean River Operation

On the 26th April, 2023, students taking part in the Erasmus+ project „Take action for the Earth” joined the 5th edition of Clean River Operation. Together with the supervising teacher they set off by the Dunajec River to tidy the area near our school, the ice rink as well as the „Zakopianka” road. Students collected 7 big bags of litter altogether.

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Meeting in France

From the 26th March to 1st April, 2023, a group of students from Seweryn Goszczyński High School in Nowy Targ, took part in an international meeting organised within the Erasmus+ Project „Take Action For The Earth”. The first session took place in Perpignan in the south of France. Our stay there was filled with interesting lectures, thought-provoking projects and trips to breath-taking places. During that week, we developed our teamwork skills, got to know a lot about our climate and problems connected with the environment. It was also a chance to master our language skills and learn how to overcome mental block and other language barriers while communicating with students from France and Greece.

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Memories from France

Jan Cyrwus
Trip to Perpignan was an amazing experience. I was able to speak english, learn more about taking care of the planet and get to know a different culture. My free time was also used and i met a lot of amazing people. I don’t regret taking part in this project and will always remember it.

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Posters about the natural environment

The participants of Erasmus+ Project Take Action for The Earth have prepared, working in groups, posters about the natural environment. They were working on topics such as changes in the environment connected with air, water, energy, ecosystem, waste and carbon footprint. The works present types of water and air pollution, types of energy, interdependence between the natural environment and different species as well as the sources of carbon footprint. The posters serve didactic and informative purposes.

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Actions for the Earth within the Erasmus+ Programme

Since September 2022, the students and teachers from Seweryn Goszczyński High School have been working on the project „Take Action for The Earth”. The students have been participating in theme lectures as well as meetings with environmentalists. On the 8th of November they took part in the lecture entitled „Wetlands, climate, people” which was led by habilitated doctor Wiktor Kotowski who works in the Department of Environmental Protection at the Warsaw University.

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